

You’re probably wondering, “Who the Heck is this guy?”

Well, my name is Nicholas Ayers. And I’m actually an insurance agent.

Bet you weren’t expecting that!

Even weirder…

I’m not really an insurance agent.

And you’re not really a [Insert your Business/Occupation here].

We’re marketers.

Our main goal is to sell more of our products and services.

To do so, we must become marketers.

This is an extremely important concept to understand.

It changed my entire life once I discovered it over a decade ago.

See, I got into insurance back in 2005.

Pretty confident that I’d be sipping Pina-Coladas on my Yacht in some exotic tropical location within the next few years thanks to my fat residual checks rolling in every month.

I started hustling to make it a reality…

  • Networking events
  • Sitting in 10×10 tents at festivals
  • Passing out business cards to anyone with a pulse

And to my amazement…

I wasn’t on my way to becoming rich.

While I was marketing myself, nobody wanted to buy from me.

I had no clue what to do.

Then I came across a method from legendary marketer, Dan Kennedy called the, “Pyramid of Power”.

Essentially the method states, we buy products and services from those we see as having authority.

For example…

Are you more likely to take computer advice from Bill Gates, or your Grandma?

No brainer, right

On the flipside, you’re probably gonna hit up Grandma to show you how to bake a cake.

Now, being a 20-something year old with big dreams, I didn’t have time to become a tech mogul, or a whittled old grandmother before I was seen as an authority.

I wanted to get their FAST.

So I devised a strategy that skyrocketed me to the top of the Authority Pyramid.

Which didn’t just explode my income, it drastically positioned the way I was viewed in the market, so I could begin generating qualified leads, and lay down sales like clockwork.

Now, instead of repeating myself.

I’ve detailed the strategy in my newest training.

Which you can watch for free by clicking the button below:

To shortcutting success,

Nicholas Ayers

P.S. I’m flown all over the Nation to teach this strategy at events to audiences who have paid hundreds of dollars to attend.So please treat this free training as though you’ve paid to watch it.

Because hundreds, possibly even thousands of others have.